Welcome to Watson & Walker’s subscriber-only Publications website! This site contains every issue of the mainframe industry’s longest-running and most respected independent newsletter, Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter. It is also home to the Cheryl Watson CPU Charts, the definitive source of processor sizing information for customers and software vendors around the globe. In addition to the CPU Charts and newsletters, you will find conference presentations and many other articles and materials going back to 1991. All this invaluable material is indexed and accessible to subscribers via a powerful search engine. This site has been described as ‘the most comprehensive single source of z/OS performance information on the Internet’ – we’re sure you will agree.

* If you do not work for a subscribing organization, and are interested in joining thousands of other mainframers around world as a subscriber, email us at admin@planetmainframe.com. You can find the tables of contents for our previous issues here, and information about our current subscription rates here.